Pastors, ministers and volunteers from the Solomon Islands Mission met to discuss the vision for the church for 2021-2025.
Tag: Solomon Islands
Aore Academy hopes to raise 10 million Vatu so students can return to school in June 2021.
Adventist teachers in Solomon Islands formed a special team in 2020 to reach out to school communities needing help during the coronavirus pandemic.
How two retired pastors and a former Sanitarium engineer got an old mission station engine fired up again.
The expatriate Papua New Guinean community in Honiara, Solomon Islands, marked the occasion with a celebration at the PNG High Commission Chancery.
Have you noticed someone stop attending church lately? Keep them connected them with Adventist Record . . .
While people sell their produce, they can also listen to the word of God.
From building new classrooms to removing junk food from canteens, Adventist schools in the Solomon Islands are reaching their community in new and creative ways.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of resources and infrastructure have been donated by Australian volunteers since 2016.
The pastor/doctor team were pioneers of Adventist mission in Solomon Islands and Australia.