The clinic will be operated by Atoifi Adventist Hospital and will serve communities in East Kwaio and other parts of Malaita region.
Tag: Solomon Islands
The ADRA training was attended by about 15 existing and aspiring cocoa farmers.
The sanitation facilities include separate toilets and showers for boys and girls and were implemented through the Turn on the Tap (TOTT) project.
ADRA participated in World Food Day celebrations held recently in Solomon Islands.
ADRA Solomon Islands, through its Turn on the Tap project, has successfully completed new sanitation facilities for two Solomon Islands schools.
Greater Sydney Conference (GSC) women's ministry ran a Cultural Night to fundraise for ADRA Australia's Turn on the Tap project
Adventurers clubs in the West Honiara District of Solomon Islands enjoyed a weekend rally with a mix of spiritual and social activities.
Unlike boarding students who live on campus, day students didn’t have a place to store their bags and books.
The revival of the Solomon Islands church has been achieved through evangelism training and community outreach.
An evangelistic campaign with a community service component saw more than 900 people baptised in Honiara last month.