New strategic plan developed at Solomon Islands ministers’ meetings

Pastors, ministers and volunteers who attended the meetings.

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The annual ministers’ meetings for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Solomon Islands were held from Monday, March 1, to Saturday evening, March 6, bringing together pastors, ministers and church volunteers from across the country to inspire, encourage and develop a new strategic plan for the next quinquennium (2021–2025).

In addition to developing this strategy, other major topics were discussed at the meetings, which were held in the Maranatha Hall in Lunga, East Honiara, including:

  • Rekindling the mission and vision of the Church and all its ministers
  • Encouraging revival and reformation and total member involvement among church members
  • Training and resourcing ministers
  • The July pentecostal harvest
  • Ministers’ health assessment
  • Ethics, integrity and accountability among ministers
  • Empowering and encouraging women in ministry

As well as this, attendees enjoyed inspiring presentations throughout the week—from Pastor Benjamin Asa, Dr George Manimu, Pastor Vince David, Pastor Morckson Wale, Pastor George Auna, Pastor David Filo and Solomon Islands Mission president Dr Silent Tovosia—that focused on the theme “I Will Go”, the strategic focus for the global Seventh-day Adventist Church for 2020-2025.

“Ministers have been trained to go back to local churches to engage members to use their God-given gifts and abilities to serve, love and care for others,” said Solomon Islands Mission president Dr Silent Tovosia.

To watch the sermons presented at the ministers meetings, visit the Solomon Islands Mission Facebook page.

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