Author: Record Staff
The first person to drive right around Australia achieved this great feat without realising they would be first!
The Hopeful, a film by Hope Channel International, has been recognised with multiple nominations for its impact in faith-based media and cinematic quality.
The graduates represent a diverse range of fields, including nursing, education, counselling and individual support.
Discover how Ellen White's advice on Christmas balances joy, giving, and a deeper focus on Christ.
Long-serving educator Rob Wareham has continued to champion Adventist Education even after his retirement in 2019.
The facility will serve as a place of worship and a vital cyclone shelter for the local community.
Discover ten heartfelt prayers of biblical fathers who desperately pleaded for their children's lives, guidance, and future blessings.
Collection of membership data across PNG will help to track church growth, inform strategy and help church leaders make decisions.