Thirty-seven people were baptised, with many more taking a stand to follow Christ.
Tag: Morobe Mission
The meetings were held in light of the "Papua New Guinea for Christ" evangelistic campaign happening in May, 2020.
At the meetings, K21,000 was pledged toward three church buildings and in support of the 2020 evangelism campaign.
How Nathan's quest for a good education took him on a three-week canoe journey that led to an Adventist school.
The health summit empowered health professionals by equipping them with new concepts and ideas for ministry.
Seventh-day Adventist young people from the Buimo Road Adventist Church were among several thousand young Adventists who participated in Global Youth Day activities on March 16.
Children in Wankun Church took an inspirational service as kids around the Morobe Mission step up in discipleship.
Morobe Mission had much to celebrate following the recent Mission 18 evangelistic series.
Primarily focusing on the villages of Mare and Gabensis, items donated included bales of rice, second-hand clothing, utensils, medicine, tools and food crops.
Seventh-day Adventist Church members in Lae gathered together to witness the opening of the new branch of the Adventist Book Centre by Morobe Mission in Eriku on June 25.