Tag: South Pacific Division
If current growth trends continue, Adventist membership in Papua New Guinea (PNG) will reach 300,000 before the end of 2017. And, thanks largely to PNG, membership across the South Pacific Division is likely to hit the half million mark.
This is a copy of the speech given by Dr David Thiele at the South Pacific Division's Mission Hostel decommissioning service.
It was an event that attendees heralded as the end of an era: the decommissioning of the South Pacific Division’s Mission Hostel, Wahroonga, New South Wales.
"Today we fly aeroplanes and drive cars, back then we sailed on the Melanesia."
Seventh-day Adventists were among the hundreds who gathered for fellowship, breakfast and prayer at the annual Sydney Prayer Breakfast on Friday morning.
Researchers from Avondale College of Higher Education have tackled one of the founding terms of faith in a two-year, Church-funded study on discipleship.
All parties believe that real progress has been made and are hopeful that an outcome that is mutually acceptable to all can be reached shortly.
The inaugural Connect Conference brought together preaching, teaching and healing ministries to see how they can better work together to further the mission of the Church.
Close to 200 staff attended this year's conference, held in Cairns.