Knitted by the hospital's volunteers, the bunny booties are a reminder that Easter is about rejuvenation and new life.
Tag: Easter
Jesus was naked on the cross. They never show that in the church-authorised depictions. It begs the question: have we Christians failed to recognise the radical nature of the jagged descent Jesus chose to make?
"You shall have no other gods before me." In an age where golden statues and cats are no longer revered like they once were, surely this commandment should be the easiest to keep. Think again.
Is Big Camp better than chocolate eggs? Victorian student Kapungwe Besa thinks so.
There is nothing more beautiful to behold than the sinner who has found their Saviour.
What goes down sometimes comes up.
Are we really experiencing the fullness of life that Jesus offers?
Many places claim to be the site of Jesus' tomb. But at the end of the day it really doesn't matter. After all, He won't be there.