Adventurers gathered from all around Sydney to take part in the Adventurer Rally Day.
Tag: youth ministry
"Be Full of Good Works" was the theme of the rally, which introduced a new structure for youth ministry in Sydney.
Pastor Jesse answers questions every month in Signs of the Times magazine and on TikTok.
Despite personal, organisational and demographic challenges, youth ministers are deeply committed to leading young people into a relationship with God, a new Avondale study shows.
Young people from across Samoa and Tokelau Mission gathered at the church headquarters in Lalovaea for a youth congress held from December 14 to 18.
Directors from the seven missions in the Trans Pacific attended the online event, along with thirteen assistant youth directors.
ASM pathfinders, adventurers and youth have recently participated in a community service project that helped a variety of organisations in American Samoa.
"A lot of people were really challenged to simplify their life so they can spend time to hear and connect with God," said first-time attendee Lucy Dessington.
A collaboration between Canberra National and South Canberra Adventist churches is setting the course for a bright future in the ACT.
There are two things present at any given children's church event: Jesus and junk food.