Fifteen people from across Australia and New Zealand were trained on how to sell life-changing literature.
Tag: New Zealand
Adventists are responding to the the worst storm to hit the country in this century.
After record levels of rainfall caused severe flooding in Auckland (New Zealand) starting on Friday, January 23, teams of volunteers from local Adventist churches gathered to respond.
The new South Pacific Division Centre for Discipleship will be a space for people to explore God’s unique purpose for their lives.
Bethany Home transformed the lives of many released female prisoners and “the fallen”.
For many of the moderators, the weekend workshop was the first time they fully understood they were part of an Australia- and New Zealand-wide project.
Hamilton Adventist School in New Zealand has recently celebrated two milestones: 100 students and 100 years of operation.
A new study into community perceptions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church shows that the Adventist Church has a significant identity issue and needs to seek opportunities to help people understand its relevance.
The missing brass bell, which was especially made for Longburn, was cut from its frame and appeared to have fallen and damaged the wood and concrete steps underneath.