Tag: media ministry
A new partnership will provide a 24-hour free-to-air broadcast of Hope Channel in Kiribati.
Hope Channel South Pacific director Pastor Wayne Boehm encouraged Hope FM and Hope Channel Fiji staff to keep up with the good work while visiting the Fiji Mission headquarters.
A DVD began the journey of Jiutasa Biaudamu into the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
STM's first-ever online visual radio station was launched on Tuesday, June 15.
The new-style show has coincided with the re-launch of the Mums At The Table magazine, which is now available once every two months to paid subscribers.
Thieves stole thousands of dollars of film equipment from a shipping container and trailer before setting the trailer on fire.
Just 10 months after launching on free-to-air TV, Pastor Lloyd Grolimund’s The Aussie Pastor series has hit 20,000 viewers and received international recognition.