The influence of his father and an advertisement for a scholarship encouraged Urijah Liligeto to begin his journey as a healthcare professional who is now helping his country make choices to improve quality of life.
Tag: health
Every five minutes, an Australian is diagnosed with diabetes. It’s a diagnosis that instantly makes food choices much more important.
We all know that eating well is important for your health, but did you know it can impact your mood as well?
What do we believe about suicide? What does the Bible teach?
The newest course at Avondale adds a four-unit research emphasis to the existing Graduate Diploma in Lifestyle Medicine.
Beulah Adventist Primary School has received the gold medal award for being an outstanding health promoting school.
The initiative helped in identifying health issues faced by the people in the community.
World Church leaders have shared a new document on the current position of the Church.
Adapted from the nutrition information and sampling 12 recipes from the original Food As Medicine, the sharing booklet includes invitations to connect with other health and wellbeing resources offered by the Adventist Church.