February is often known to be a month all about love, whether that be romantic love, self-love, love for others, or the opportunity to cultivate rich relationships with family and friends. Here are 10 of our favourite Bible verses all about love.
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As Adventists of this generation what are the societal issues that you and your contemporaries care about?
A poem by Malcom Ford, inspired by Francis Thompson's "The Hound of Heaven".
Some believe there are two “remnants” in Revelation 12:17. Proponents of this position postulate there will rise the final “remnant within the remnant of the end”. Is this claim biblical?
Did you know that when it comes to forgetfulness and brain health, a diet bursting with colour could be your secret weapon?
Righteousness is an important concept in Paul’s letters in the New Testament.
It can be easy to fall into thinking that God is SO BIG with so much going on, that He couldn’t possibly notice the little things in each of our lives. Whilst it’s true that He is almighty and all powerful, He also knows it all and cares for it all. Our God is in charge of the heavens and earth but also cared about a small girl who lost her teddy bear.
While William Miller, Martin Luther and Joseph Bates contributed greatly to the understanding of Christian doctrine, none of them was right about everything they believed and taught.
The story of the prodigal son (or the “lost” son) found in Luke 15:11-31 is one of Jesus’ most popular parables, and rightly so. It serves as a picture perfect example of the gospel in action.