David knows he’s been called by God, knows he’s destined for great things and yet he’s stuck in a cave.
Tag: faith
"Thinking Faith," a VicASA event, saw 140 participants explore the intersection of faith and career, fostering an environment for open dialogue about doubt and faith.
Are you finding balance amidst parenthood chaos? Discover a mother's journey through life's seasons, cherishing moments with family and nurturing a connection with God.
The history of Seventh-day Adventism's relationship with fundamentalism is explored in two recently published books. Regardless of the viewpoint, it is clear that the Church's approach to fundamentalism has shaped Adventist faith and life in many ways.
Many of us have been hurt by people representing the church and unfortunately, that will continue to happen until Jesus returns.
Second-year theology student Dorcas Lynia Kateekee shares her story of finding her calling in ministry.
North New South Wales young adults recently aided the team at Koivikko Lifestyle Centre in Finland with multiple renovation projects, outreach in the community of Mikkeli and leading out in various local church services.
Suambukum, a small Adventist church, founded in 2012 in the Maprik District of Papua New Guinea has managed to branch out to neighbouring villages, despite being a minority faith in the area.
From confusion to clarity: A family's journey to finding the true church for their children.
For many, the notion of the resurrection is just a fairy tale to help us live life in the face of ultimate destruction and death.