According to statistics by Barna Group, 72 per cent of young people who attend church in Australia drop out of church life as they transition into university/young adulthood.
Tag: auc
Adventists in Australia and New Zealand will join the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist project to share millions of copies of Ellen White's The Great Controversy. Do you know how to best do it?
For the first time in 10 years, the Australian Union Conference conducted an education consultation which invited leaders from various ministries o take part in discussing the future of Seventh-day Adventist Education.
ATSIM director Pastor Darren Garlett and ASA associate national director Jacques Calais attended the event. Both AUC and ASA are in the process of writing RAPs for the Church and schools in Australia.
More than 450 people attended the Sabbath School for Life Summit that was held at five venues across Australia and online.
The first stage of the Australian Union Conference’s (AUC) Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) was approved by the AUC board of directors on May 12.
Avondale students and other participants learned how to make disciples, plant churches and more.
Written by 26 women from around Australia the I AM women's devotional brings thought-provoking questions to help readers reflect on Scripture and who they can become by allowing themselves to be transformed by God.
The development will completely transform the current facilities, allowing the college to provide a better learning environment.
A new “House of prayer” online event is being introduced by the South Pacific Division to pray for specific needs in each of the four Unions and the region.