Partnering with ADRA and the government, the Church conducted a two-week equipping program for Literacy Trainers in May River Village.
Category: News
The SPD report highlighted the important work that is going on in the areas of discipleship and health, throughout the Pacific region.
More than 450 people attended the Sabbath School for Life Summit that was held at five venues across Australia and online.
More than half of the General Conference delegates from the South Pacific Division are first-time attendees. Adventist Record spoke with three first-time delegates to see what the experience has meant for them.
"It is indeed a very humbling experience to be requested to assist and guide God's last-day remnant Church.
The election of division leaders was held on the third day of the 61st General Conference (GC) session in St Louis, Missouri.
The students were selected to take part in the Ampol Little Origin initiative after MAC teacher Jacqueline Maua entered the college for the selection process.
Seventh-day Adventists were among the many who gathered for fellowship, breakfast and prayer at the Sydney Prayer Breakfast.
While many people have joined the Church in recent years, retaining them remains a challenge.
ELIA is working with unions and conferences to establish 100 wellness hubs across Australia and New Zealand by 2025.