Children of various ages—from pre-school to upper primary—led out in introducing the various parts of the service on March 14.
Category: Community
ADRA Australia is committed to serving the community, even as staff in the Sydney office work from home.
"This decision has not been an easy one to make and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation in these difficult times."
The Mums At The Table ministry has created an ingenious way to help those having difficulties buying everyday essentials, all from the comfort of a computer screen.
University college begins transition to online-only delivery.
Adventist Schools Australia is continuing to closely monitor the advice of government and health authorities in response to the coronavirus outbreak.
More than 160 teachers took part in this first-of-its-kind event.
"Today, as leaders, we have taken an action to recommend that churches suspend all services until the end of April 2020."
How should local churches approach potluck lunches, communion services and other activities? Here is some advice from the Australian Union Conference.
Musicians from Brisbane Korean Seventh-day Adventist Church wanted to encourage and uplift those who have suffered from the recent drought in Queensland.