South Pacific Education director Dr David McClintock visited the school during Adventist Education Week.
Author: Record Staff
The volunteer team ran eight clinics across five islands, treating 276 patients from 40 different villages and communities.
There are many times in the Bible when a person's name was changed, or a nickname is given. Not all these names came from God, but all name changes marked a transformation in the people who were renamed.
After returning a wallet forgotten by a passenger in his car, Samuela Namasia was featured on the Fiji Sun and received an unexpected reward.
Adsafe in collaboration with Adventist Media have created a video to increase awareness about abuse and its impact within the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s organisational context.
The Australian Union Conference Executive Committee has appointed Dr Jean Carter as national director of Adventist Education, commencing in January 2023.
Otto and his friends frequently went out drinking and when there wasn’t any alcohol available, they would strain petrol and drink it.
Affirming its commitment and celebrating National Tree Day, Wahroonga students spent time outside on July 29 planting trees and shrubs at Coups Creek and the school campus alongside the Wahroonga Waterways Landcare leaders.
Adventist Record sits down (virtually) with the SPD leadership team to chat about their view of the Church and where they see God leading.