From petrol drinker to church elder

Otto Wanrae holding a World Changers Bible and standing in front of Ar'ees church.

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Otto Wanrae is from Ganai Village in East New Britain Province of Papua New Guinea. Despite being raised in the Catholic faith, Otto found himself hanging out in the wrong crowd. Otto and his friends frequently went out drinking and when there wasn’t any alcohol available, they would strain petrol and drink it.

After attending an evangelistic campaign run by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in his area, he was convicted and enrolled in baptismal classes. Otto was baptised in 1996 at Ganai Village by Pastor Gideon Sari in front of his family and friends. He continued to attend church and in 2005 he migrated to the Pomio District of East New Britain Province with his wife and children.

Arriving at Ar’ees Village in Pomio District, Otto found that there were no Adventists in the area and he would travel for several hours with his children to the nearest village to worship. After several years of prayer, his prayers were answered when a small piece of land was allocated to build a church in their local community.

After the church was completed in 2005, Otto spent time in outreach, sharing the gospel message, counselling and offering prayers, but people were reluctant to receive the Adventist message as the majority of the community are Catholic. However, this did not deter Otto. Instead he became even more passionate about sharing the message of God. After much prayer, Otto’s wife, formerly a Catholic, is now attending an Adventist literacy school and is accepting the truth of the gospel.

Otto is now serving as an elder of Ar’ees church and he continues to outreach to his local community, knowing that God can lead them to accept the truth, just as his wife did.

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