Year 9 students Kanya Young and Georgia Flemming from Wahroonga Adventist School have shaved their heads to raise money for breast cancer.
“I feel so happy!” said Kanya. “I feel happy for raising money and donating my hair for the cause and people who need it really bad with cancer. My mum had breast cancer and I wasn’t there to help her so I just want to help people.”
Kanya raised more than $A2000 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation and Georgia raised more than $1500 for the Cancer Council. Kanya is also donating her hair to the Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation to make wigs for people who need them.
Both girls shaved their heads at lunch time in front of a family, peers and teachers—Kanya on November 30, and Georgia a few weeks earlier. The crowd cheered them on throughout the process.
“We’re very proud of her. It was all her idea, she’s very brave and has a really kind heart and you can see that today,” said Kanya’s father, Greg Young, who is also regional director for ADRA South Pacific.
“The good news is that the foundation is willing to keep my fundraising site going a little longer if more people would like to donate to this worthy cause,” said Kanya in her fundraising bio.
If you would like to support Georgia or Kanya, please donate via their fundraising pages below. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.
- Kanya:
- Georgia:–s-big-shave