“Lord not my baby!”

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Just over one-and-a-half years ago, Kylie Insch’s anguished plea echoed through the air: ”Lord not my baby!” It was every parent’s worst nightmare, as Kylie and Tim faced an unimaginable tragedy—their daughter Laura had been crushed by a forklift in a devastating farm accident.

No-one can ever be fully prepared for such a harrowing ordeal. The forklift incident not only left Laura gravely injured but also left their son hurt, though his injuries were fortunately not severe. In a desperate act, Tim used a tractor to lift the forklift and free Laura from beneath its crushing weight.

Living on a farm about 45 minutes from Kempsey CBD, the family faced a race against time. Tim and Norm (Poppy) rushed Laura towards the hospital, with Poppy cradling his granddaughter in his arms. They met up with an ambulance en route, which sped Laura to Port Macquarie Base Hospital. From there, an emergency helicopter was dispatched to transport her to John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle.

Laura’s parents, unable to accompany their daughter in the helicopter, endured a torturous drive filled with anguish and desperate prayers for Laura’s survival. At John Hunter Hospital, the emergency team sprang into action, preparing an operating room for the critically injured girl. Laura’s injuries were so severe that only a miracle could save her.

After countless delicate surgeries and many months in the hospital, surrounded by her loving parents, grandparents and siblings, Laura’s remarkable recovery defied all odds. Her survival and healing have been hailed as nothing short of miraculous. The medical staff at John Hunter Hospital were astounded by Laura’s resilience, as the prayers of a distraught mother and father reverberated through the hospital corridors, joined by a prayer marathon organised by Kempsey church and its members. One of Laura’s surgeons said she is one of two patients in 40 years of practicing that he does not understand how she is still here.

On Sabbath, August 3, Laura took a significant step in her journey of faith by giving her heart to Jesus. As Pastor Andrew Kingston, who had studied with Laura and her sister Rachel, officiated the ceremony, he struggled to hold back tears. ”Our little Lulu has been through so much,” he said, his voice choked with emotion. ”But through it all, God has been with her every step of the way.”

Along with Laura (now nine), her father Tim and her sister Rachel (11) were baptised. Tim was baptised by Pastor Mark Pearce, director of the EGW/SDA Research Centre at Avondale University. Pastor Pearce is first cousins with Norm Insch, Tim’s father and Laura’s grandfather.

Laura’s story is a powerful testament to the strength of faith, the power of prayer and the resilience of the human spirit. It is a story of hope, love and the incredible miracles that can unfold even in the darkest of times.

Edgard Lopez is the communication coordinator at Kempsey church in NSW. 

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