North New South Wales young adults recently aided the team at Koivikko Lifestyle Centre in Finland with multiple renovation projects, outreach in the community of Mikkeli and leading out in various local church services.
Tag: young adults
The event was hosted by the Australian Union Conference (AUC) youth department’s official publication My Edge magazine.
An exciting opportunity is available to Adventist young people and others searching for their purpose that will change the trajectory of their life.
Held at Stuarts Point Convention Centre in NSW from February 17 to 20, this year’s event is reported to be the highest in attendees since its beginnings in 2016, exceeding 500 attendees on Sabbath.
Hundreds of young people gathered in Melbourne for the Adventist Youth For Christ (AYC) conference entitled “Called by Name”.
Young people from across Samoa and Tokelau Mission gathered at the church headquarters in Lalovaea for a youth congress held from December 14 to 18.
According to statistics by Barna Group, 72 per cent of young people who attend church in Australia drop out of church life as they transition into university/young adulthood.
Held for the second year, the event is a joint initiative of the South and North New Zealand conferences.
Three Pathfinders in Vanuatu were baptised on World Pathfinder Day, while other clubs gathered for camps, outreach opportunities, or online gatherings.
More than 90 young adults from Papua New Guinea have recently gone out into the streets of three different towns to share the Word of God.