The Trans Pacific Union Mission (TPUM) recently held a special ceremony for launch their 2023 theme and dedicate resources expected to aid in the efforts to fulfill the great commission.
A casual daily morning walk with Trans Pacific Union Mission office staff has become a movement and is encouraging church leaders and members throughout the TPUM territory to stay active.
Chaplains had the opportunity to connect, share and be encouraged at the first AUC Chaplains' Convention after COVID-19.
The app, called Resource Basket, was developed by the Union and launched on May 9 during the TPUM executive mid-year meetings.
SPD Adventist mission director Dr Wayne Krause and education director Dr David McClintock spent the weekend on campus, where they joined the programming and shared stories and insights.
It was a joyous occasion for church members on Yanuca Island in Fiji, during the official opening of their new church building on Thursday, March 31.
That’s what we are going to share with our families—the new life that Jesus has given us. All our family members need this new life in Christ.
A new “House of prayer” online event is being introduced by the South Pacific Division to pray for specific needs in each of the four Unions and the region.
With facilitators from the South Pacific Division, TPUM and local missions, the two and a half-day training included practical activities and interactions, fostering relationships between interns and supervisors.
Directors from the seven missions in the Trans Pacific attended the online event, along with thirteen assistant youth directors.