In his year-end report to the Division Executive Committee, Rodney Brady said the financial impact was not as bleak as had been initially feared.
Tag: South Pacific Division
In a year like no other, the end-of-year Division Executive Committee meetings looked very different this year.
"HEAL" (Heal in Every Aspect of Life) will roll-out across Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Kiribati and Tonga on November 23.
New leadership teams were elected for the Papua New Guinea Union Mission and the Trans Pacific Union Mission at this week's year-end meeting of the South Pacific Division Executive Committee.
#weRtheCHURCH is back on November 20 and it's going to look a little different this time.
Literature ministry leaders, evangelists and enthusiasts recently met online for their annual summit.
South Pacific Division CFO Rodney Brady said the Church's finances have taken a hit, but have so far withstood the pressures.
Thousands of Seventh-day Adventists from around the South Pacific were connected in a special way through the #weRtheCHURCH program on Friday night (August 28).