Four hundred people attended the opening of the new facilities at Buruku Adventist School.
Tag: Solomon Islands
How an organisation run by only two people is changing thousands of lives across the South Pacific islands.
Nineteen students were baptised at the conclusion of the school's Revival Week.
The students were involved in various acts of kindness, including visiting the elderly.
Kukudu Adventist College is rejoicing following the baptism of six students this past Sabbath.
Single ladies and teenage girls were the focus of a special weekend in Solomon Islands hosted by Adventist women’s ministries.
They were chased out of the village by a man with a bush knife who didn't like them speaking about Sabbath.
For the One Word music group, a recent trip to Australia provided a wonderful opportunity to see the sights and sing some songs.
For Pastor Glenn Townend, rocking back and forth on the steep and rough roads around Honiara (Solomon Islands) in the Mission 4WD was an ideal way to spend a Sabbath afternoon.
Betikama Adventist College is taking the gospel commission seriously.