How one man's study of the Sabbath converted him to the Christian faith.
Tag: sabbath
This quarter's Sabbath School companion book is a rallying cry to "do justice".
To buy or sell? Perhaps, one day soon, we won't even get to choose.
There's a story in Genesis that turns the modern idea of legalism on its head.
Cultural and denominational differences aside, followers of Christ are followers of Christ. Pastor Glenn Townend reflects on the power of Jesus to bring people—even strangers—together.
The world says sex sells, but what does the Church say? Too often . . . nothing. Yet the Church has an important message to share, especially in this over-sexed society.
Sometimes the best way to help somebody is by not helping them.
Are we, as Sabbath-keepers, fuelling the idea of "Sabbath bondage"? (Fundamental Belief #20)
Is Sabbath an opportunity to help and heal, or just to sleep? Sabbath from a fresh perspective.