North New South Wales young adults recently aided the team at Koivikko Lifestyle Centre in Finland with multiple renovation projects, outreach in the community of Mikkeli and leading out in various local church services.
Tag: outreach
The Trans Pacific Union Mission (TPUM) recently held a special ceremony for launch their 2023 theme and dedicate resources expected to aid in the efforts to fulfill the great commission.
Are you intentionally showing Jesus to anyone or telling them about what God has done in your life?
Faith FM listeners around Australia have jumped at the chance to have dinner with other listeners and Faith FM show presenters.
Aiming to reach the community and share God's love through art, the Invercargill Adventist Church (New Zealand) hosted its first creative arts outreach event on April 18.
It was the first time members of the Adventist Church had visited the college with food supplies.
Kopiu students shared encouragement from the Bible and prayed with the residents.
An Australian book for young readers is making an impact as a sharing book in Romania.
Three Avondale ministry and theology students are helping hoops fan and minister Raymon Paletua create safe places for children, and in doing so build the reputation of the Seventh-day Adventists as being community-minded.