Hope Channel's award-winning documentary series is returning to Australian free-to-air television on Sunday, August 18.
Tag: media
The first Digital Discipleship Conference held in New Zealand was a resounding success, with attendees enjoying opportunities to network and learn more about how to share their faith in a digital world.
"Future Beyond the Future" was the theme as Adventists from across the South Pacific explored discipleship through online media.
All things have—or will—come to an end. Except for one thing.
The speaker/director of Voice of Prophecy says books can do something blockbuster movies and other media never will.
Our world and media is saturated with different ideas and pictures of death. But what really happens when a person dies? (Fundamental Belief #26)
A focus on digital platforms and reaching unchurched young people will be key for this new media initiative.
How an Australian couple, and their puppet Arnie, are introducing children around the world to Jesus.
Dr Leigh Rice discusses the South Pacific Division's discipleship focus, and the important role books play in disciple-making.