Media ministry to focus on young adults

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The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia (AUC) has announced a new strategic plan for its media ministry, setting the direction and mission for the next few years.

A focus on digital platforms and reaching secular/unchurched young people will be key for this new media initiative, with AUC president Pastor Jorge Munoz saying the AUC is open to any idea that will help it reach a younger generation.

“We want to have a broader picture and a larger view of media, incorporating opportunities such as radio, video on demand through a digital platform, social media and online content through projects such as Digital Discipleship,” he said. “We also want to explore the possibilities of animation and acquiring digital property.”

Pastor Murray Hunter.

The AUC has also appointed Pastor Murray Hunter to the role of media coordinator. Pastor Hunter has worked in South Queensland for the past 20 years, most recently as the communication director and the associate secretary for the Ministerial Association in the area of Education, and says he’s excited that he has already been able to secure plenty of interest and engagement from the young people he has had the opportunity to consult with so far.

“It is so encouraging to speak to young people from all over the country who are keen to see the project come to fruition as soon as possible,” he said. “Many have said that they’ve been waiting for something like this to happen for years and they appreciate the AUC investing in a ministry that is pointed at and speaks to ‘our’ generation.”

The AUC is currently exploring ways in which to secure high interest, varied, relevant and informative ministry-based content. Pastor Hunter would like to invite further interest from anyone who may wish to talk about or contribute to this new ministry initiative. He can be contacted at

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