Pastor Maveni Kaufononga challenged all present to keep the communication line open to God through prayer.
Tag: Fiji
Fiji Mission says the move is necessary to protect Bible classes and retain the special Adventist character of the school.
More than 4000 Pathfinders from 195 clubs throughout Fiji and Rotuma were part of the 11th Fiji Mission Pathfinder Camporee.
Seventh-day Adventist health leaders in Fiji are partnering with the government to tackle one of Fiji's biggest problems: lifestyle disease.
The surprise was carried out by women from the Natogo Adventist Church's Dorcas Club.
Twelve Avondale Seminary students took part in the 19-day evangelistic series, culminating in a mass baptism on July 28.
More than 50 people, the majority of them non-Adventist, recently graduated from CHIP programs across Fiji.
There hasn't been an investiture in the Nasinu Village for 25 years, but three young men are hoping to change that this year.
The vanua is the epitome of Pacific identity, offering a sense of belonging, blessing and pride to its people. The problem is the beliefs and practices of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are not always aligned with the those of the vanua.
Sanitarium staff built a garden nursery at Fulton and served breakfast at two local primary schools during a recent community service day.