The development will completely transform the current facilities, allowing the college to provide a better learning environment.
Tag: Australian Union Conference
0 in 2022 and to celebrate, the Australian Union Conference (AUC) Youth Ministries has launched a new website to assist groups wanting to be involved.
Following two tumultuous academic years impacted by COVID-19 and border closures, the graduation was a celebration of both academic achievement and spiritual growth.
In the interview, Attorney-General Michaelia Cash discusses the Religious Discrimination Bill that went before parliament this week.
Adventists are among 25 faith leaders who have released a statement ahead of the anticipated release of the latest draft of the Religious Discrimination Bill.
Pastor Alban Matohiti has been in ministry for 22 years and most recently served as GSC ministerial secretary.
All incumbent officers have been returned as WA Conference celebrated how God has led over the past four years.
Over 190 delegates from around Australia converged online, on August 29 and 30, to receive reports from conferences and departmental directors and vote on items that will guide the AUC over the next quinquennium.
Pastor Terry Johnson said it is humbling to be called to the position.
Due to the current COVID-19 situation affecting much of Australia, the AUC Executive Committee has decided to move its regular constituency meeting online, to be held virtually via Zoom.