Adsafe and Adventist Schools Australia have partnered to launch an important child safety project.
Category: News
Greater Sydney Conference will sell their conference office building, after their plans to redevelop the site have had to change due to unforeseen circumstances.
The Kiribati President and First Lady are participating in CHIP after tuning in to the local Hope Radio station.
Funafuti Adventist Primary School in Tuvalu welcomed the nation's leader on February 12.
Enjoy the Living Word, a book produced by Signs Publishing, has been developed to answer many questions in the Pacific Islands, primarily about Bible translations.
After a long season of isolation and gathering limitations, Summer Camps across Australia brought some relief to hundreds of restrained juniors and teenagers.
More than 190 people gathered in Stuarts Point, NSW, to grow spiritually through prayer.
Matthew Brown previously held the associate CFO role at the Union office.
The 2022 event changes venue after Indianapolis says space is no longer available.
Dr Jean Carter and Jacques Calais both have extensive experience in Adventist education.