After receiving wholistic care at Avondale House, residents Les and Joyce were soon able to move into their own independent accommodation.
Category: Community
"Looking Beyond" was the theme of the week, with hundreds of students, teachers and members of the wider community participating in the programs.
Ninety-four years and still going strong.
Thousands of Seventh-day Adventists from around the South Pacific were connected in a special way through the #weRtheCHURCH program on Friday night (August 28).
Approximately 16 per cent of the prison population in Fiji are Seventh-day Adventists, and the Fiji Mission is working to reduce this number by providing rehabilitation services.
First online-only format broadens reach of annual alumni gathering.
Thirty-seven people were baptised, with many more taking a stand to follow Christ.
More than 49 projects—at a cost of $A2.6 million—have been implemented during the present crisis.
When his children showed keen interest in an adult prophecy masterclass, Sven Ostring decided to create a program that makes Bible prophecy fun for kids!