How to move out of an Adventist aged care facility

Joyce and Les left the Avondale House Aged Care Facility to live independently in Avondale Lifestyle Community.

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Moving into an Adventist aged care facility does not have to be a final step for the elderly. Former Avondale House residents Joyce (84 years old) and Les (86 years old) have both recuperated and moved into their own self-care villas at Avondale Lifestyle Community.

Both residents have attributed the move to correct medications, eating well, regular exercise and strength-building. Both are now living life to the full and making every moment count. There are not many days they remain at home.

When Les was asked what his secret was, he replied, “My mental state. I had to keep myself busy. I wanted to make my own bed. I didn’t want others doing things for me. I wanted the paper every day. I started out slow every day and I [continued to get better], until now I even have a scooter.”

When Joyce was asked the same question, she replied, “I love to sing grace and I love to worship, I just hated sitting in my room and wanted to get out at every chance. I can’t thank Avondale Care general manager Marlene Moodie and social worker Cathy enough. Their support has enabled me to independently live again.”

Joyce was born in 1936 in the UK and came to Australia in 1972. Les was born in 1934 in Newcastle and retired on the Hawkesbury River. Both Joyce and Les did not know each other prior to them entering Avondale House, but now they have very similar stories to tell. [pullquote]

Adventist Senior Living was founded on the health principles of Ellen G White and while Joyce and Les were in the care of Adventist Senior Living, they received nutritious food and were educated about which foods are good for their mind and body.

Joyce’s dramatic improvement that enabled her to “jump ship” and live independently was a pleasant surprise to everyone. Les, still in Avondale House at the time, asked staff one day, “Where is Joyce?” Inspired by her move, not long afterwards he also moved into an independent living villa in Avondale Lifestyle Community as well.

It has to be said that the staff, the programs and the health programs that are in place at Adventist Senior Living are something to be proud of. Adventist Senior Living would like to see others join Joyce and Les in moving back to living independently.

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