Tanja left her comfortable life in Australia behind and moved to Africa where she dedicates her life to empowering women to overcome hopelessness and poverty.
Category: Community
The Seventh-day Adventist Church in New Caledonia recently celebrated five baptisms in their church plant in Tomo. Pastor Hatsar Venkaya writes on the impact the church plant is having in the community.
In the hills south-east of Perth, there is humble little Bible college that has made a huge impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ministries (ATSIM) work across Australia over the past 25 years.
A perfect storm of COVID-19, inflation and skyrocketing real estate and rental prices, alongside stagnant wage growth, is leaving many families in crisis. How can the Adventist Church respond?
A behind-the-scenes special and premiere of the 100th episode will be available for viewing next Friday evening (February 18).
A Mums At The Table group in Twoomba is reaching out to mums in the community and making a big impact.
While international aid has begun to arrive, food security remains a significant concern.
The Weet-Bix Feed their Belief Report uncovered the mindset of 27,000 Aussie kids and provides tips to nurture their self-belief from parenting expert Dr. Justin Coulson.
More than 520 buckets of biscuits were collected in two days.
Every year more than 5000 students attending Adventist schools in Australia declare Jesus to be their Lord, Saviour and Friend.