The music program at Wahroonga Adventist School has been boosted by a donation of quality orchestral musical instruments.
Category: Community
How did the San get through an enormously challenging two years of COVID-19, help NSW with its response and still achieve a lot of outstanding work together?
A twice-yearly concert program presented by Wahroonga Adventist Church has not only struck a chord with audiences, but it is having a significant missional impact on the musicians.
Faith FM listeners around Australia have jumped at the chance to have dinner with other listeners and Faith FM show presenters.
Polish Adventists can now view the history and publications of the Polish Church in Australia, and be continually inspired by stories from their heritage.
ADRA has seen first-hand the impact that including women in conversations about their future can have on whole communities.
In the theology of race, there is much work yet to be done and it begins with better theology.
Partnering with ADRA and the government, the Church conducted a two-week equipping program for Literacy Trainers in May River Village.
A family in Western Australia is believed to hold an Indigenous Adventist record.
Research has shown that Adventist education does make a difference in the retention of church affiliation for our young people.