Throughout our issues this year, in celebration of our 125 years, we are going to look back at the decades of Adventist Record in all its various forms and highlight some interesting or important things we can discover within.
Author: Record Staff
With the hope of a new year, what better time than now to reflect on those in the Bible who experienced a new beginning or a fresh start in their lives?
Maleny Seventh-day Adventist Church (Queensland) started a plant-based cooking program for the community.
Sanitarium is making a big impact through its support of food pantries and breakfast clubs.
Hillview Adventist Church, in Morisset (NSW), recently conducted an evangelistic series to share the three angels' messages with the broader community.
Earlier today an ADRA team headed to the townships of Echuca and Rochester with 2.5 tonnes of supplies.
Kauma Adventist High School has received 20 laptops and other computer technology from the Communications Commission of Kiribati.
Sixty-seven students and one teacher have been baptised at Adventist schools across the Trans Pacific Union Mission recently.