Ten symbols from the Bible to reflect on the true meaning of Easter.
Author: Record Staff
Adventists in the South Pacific can now listen to their news on Adventist Record’s new podcast, Record Wrap.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Vanuatu celebrated the opening of its first media hub, introducing Adventist Radio Vanuatu 107.5 and Hope Channel TV.
There are so many stories in the Bible where God protects and cares for children. Can you think of any that are not included in this list?
The two-week training included practical canvassing in the community, resulting in numerous interactions and literature distribution.
A new 10,000 Toes Wellness Hub in Narewa will promote whole-person health and lifestyle intervention programs to the community.
In February, stories of lovers and romance surround us, offering a glimmer of hope that maybe the true love we all seek can be found. But what true stories of lovers do we find in the Bible?
From fasting to gratitude, each practice offers a unique connection to your spiritual journey.
Despite weather disruptions, Betikama Adventist College in the Solomon Islands celebrated its 75th anniversary with several events from November 9 to 12.
Since 2018, more than 200,000 people worldwide have listened to Signs Radio through podcasting apps, YouTube and Faith FM—which plays episodes on its radio program.