BUNOA, Pauliasi
Served as a Methodist missionary in Rabaul for 30 years. Was ordained as an Adventist pastor in Australia in 1906. Died of Spanish influenza in Fiji.
DASVALU, Ratu Tevita
May 23, 1928—Papua New Guinea
Missionary from Fiji. Died of blackwater fever.
KEMBU, Belinda
February 2, 2012—Papua New Guinea
Morobe Mission accountant. Died in MV Rabaul Queen tragedy (aged 24).
1938—Papua New Guinea
Mussau missionary. First Adventist missionary murdered in PNG.
1940—Papua New Guinea
Missionary from Ranongga, Solomon Islands. Died of chest infection while serving in Manus.
Papua New Guinea
Missionary from Emiara. Died while hiding in a cave from Japanese during World War II.
SIMI, Mary
1929—Solomon Islands
Wife of teacher. Clubbed to death.
SINGOI, Matthew
April 23, 1973—Papua New Guinea
Medical missionary. Killed in plane crash at Goroka (aged 35) along with his two sons Remah (11) and Harvi (3), and pilot Lawrence Shields.
Papua New Guinea
Missionary from Cook Islands. Died of complications from pack horse accident (aged 62).
October 9, 1918—Papua New Guinea
Missionary from Fiji. Assisted Septimus and Edith Carr in bringing the Adventist message to PNG. Died of snakebite.
This list pays tribute to those of Pacific Island heritage who died in mission service. It is by no means exhaustive. If you would like to read more, there is a list of Adventist missionaries from all nations who have died in the South Pacific region at corporate.adventistchurch.com/in-memoriam.