Tag: training
Fulton Adventist University College is offering a Certificate in Theology designed to provide structured theological training for church members and ministry workers across the Pacific.
The ADRA training was attended by about 15 existing and aspiring cocoa farmers.
Whether you're looking to learn new skills, connect with others or just find fresh inspiration, you won't want to miss the 2025 Digital Discipleship Conference.
The event included inspiring presentations, a service recognition night, a live Sabbath Singalong by Sandra Entermann and shared LE stories of faith.
The resources are aimed at nurturing and retaining the new members and those who made commitments during the PNG for Christ program.
The revival of the Solomon Islands church has been achieved through evangelism training and community outreach.
Attendees came from all TPUM missions, including the Solomon Islands, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, American Samoa, Kiribati and Vanuatu.
Adventist Heritage has been hosting a staff member from Pacific Adventist University.
The life of Jesus was used as a model and many stories from Scripture were studied and discussed.