Fulton Adventist University College is offering a Certificate in Theology designed to provide structured theological training for church members and ministry workers across the Pacific.
Tag: theology
The first cohort of students have graduated from a Fulton theology program.
Most of the imagery we associate with heaven comes from our own imaginations.
If I were to ask you to reconstruct the series of decisions that changed a simple order of tea to a decadent slice of cheesecake and indulgent hot chocolate, would you be able to?
A divine enigma—is it the first advent of Christ or the assembly of 144,000?
Adventists in the South Pacific Division are grappling with uncertainties around the state of the dead, the Holy Spirit and other key beliefs
As you embark on your odyssey through the biblical tapestry, consider these three cornerstone principles when wrestling with the enigmas and mysteries tucked within its verses.
What are you grateful for? It’s an important question to stop and ask from time to time.
Second-year theology student Dorcas Lynia Kateekee shares her story of finding her calling in ministry.