Well-loved by friends, family and colleagues, e-Learning and STEM education specialist Peter Wallace died unexpectedly on Friday, October 30.
Tag: Sydney
Michelangelo Wegner, owner of Elite Chiropractic in Randwick (eastern NSW), was selected because of the help he's provided to essential workers and people in financial hardship.
More than 600 delegates from approximately 90 Adventist churches congregated in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.
Submerged in 1.2 metres of water, the whole site—including low-lying cabins and facilities—is now covered in 100 millimetres of mud and debris.
Students, teachers and parents gathered at Wahroonga Adventist School (NSW) on Friday, September 13, to witness the opening of the junior school building.
As Christians, what is our responsibility to the environment? Fourteen-year-old Kayla suggests we have a duty to care and act out our care for God's creation.
Located next to the hustle and bustle of Sydney’s CBD, Redfern Adventist Community Centre is passionate about being the hands and feet of Jesus in the local community.
For the second year in a row, Mountain View Adventist College has achieved exceptional national education results.
Pastor Ted Wilson spent this past weekend visiting Adventist churches and schools in the Greater Sydney Conference, encouraging church members to reach people for Jesus.
The General Conference president will travel to Fiji in late November to celebrate the rebuilding and reopening of 27 churches destroyed by 2016’s Cyclone Winston. He will also stop over in Sydney, Australia.