Greater Sydney Conference mourns much-loved employee

Peter Wallace.

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Greater Sydney Conference (GSC) staff have lost their much-loved colleague and friend, Peter Wallace, who died suddenly on Friday, October 30, aged 65.

He leaves behind his wife Jennifer and adult sons Steven and Andrew.

“Peter came to work with us in Greater Sydney as our e-Learning/STEM specialist,” explained former GSC Adventist Education director Dr Jean Carter. “He worked tirelessly to ensure that staff and students in all our schools had the skills and training to use 21st century technology. He inspired many students to love learning through STEM challenge days. His deep commitment to God, the Church and Adventist education was unwavering”

Suffering no ill-health, the death came as a shock after Mr Wallace returned home from work on Thursday afternoon.

“He returned home with usual delight at how the students enjoyed what he was teaching them. No headache nor warning of what was to come,” Mrs Wallace explained.

At 4am on Friday morning, Mr Walker arose for his usual drink of water and fell over.

“I was with Peter within seconds. The first of two ambulances arrived within 13 minutes. The medical teams did their best to relieve some of the pressure on his brain, but the effort was unsuccessful. Peter never regained consciousness and passed away 5:02pm that afternoon. It was World Teacher’s Day,” she said.

The couple were looking forward to their 40th anniversary in December and Mr Wallace’s partial retirement next year.

Due to a previous health issue, Mr Wallace’s final act of service as an organ donor was not possible. However, he was able to invest in the future of the children he served though his work.

“We have lost a friend and valued colleague,” GSC president Pastor Terry Johnson reflected. “Peter’s positive attitude, ever present smile and desire to be of service to others were a joy to experience. Our grief and confusion at this time are little compared to what his family must be feeling. Our hearts and prayers go out to his wife Jennifer and the Wallace family.”

The service for Mr Wallace will be held next Wednesday (November 11).

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