The amendment is based on changes to the model constitution approved by the General Conference Executive Committee in October 2020.
Tag: South Pacific Division
Books and resources created in the South Pacific Division are making a significant contribution to discipleship training in other parts of the world.
The reopening of Sunnyside coincides with a number of significant initiatives by the South Pacific Division aimed at preserving Adventist heritage.
At the recent AUC Executive Committee meeting, the committee decided to expand on the 2015 AUC Constituency Meeting resolution on women in pastoral ministry.
Dr Lozano and his wife Anita have appreciated the warmth and friendliness shown to them during their time at PAU.
Prophecy tells us that there is greater stress ahead. What have we learned about ourselves under stress?
Despite church closures and cancelled events, SPD recorded its highest baptism number in 2020 and was the only world region to experience significant growth.
Calls for prayer around the Pacific, as PAU is impacted by COVID-19.
Canoes, Crocodiles and Christ tells the stories of some of the most remarkable experiences of one of the first Adventist Papua New Guinean missionaries.
New books and other resources have been gifted from Global Mission Centres of the General Conference.