The influence of his father and an advertisement for a scholarship encouraged Urijah Liligeto to begin his journey as a healthcare professional who is now helping his country make choices to improve quality of life.
Tag: Solomon Islands
Forty-one generators were donated to meet the needs of Adventist schools, ministers and pastors in remote areas of Solomon Islands where electricity is not accessible.
ADRA has mobilised to assist Chinese communities struggling after the recent riots and looting.
The funds will go towards rebuilding classrooms gutted by a devastating fire at Tenakoga Adventist High School last month.
A fire destroyed two classrooms and two science labs at Tenakoga Adventist High School overnight.
The church was named Sasa Rore Memorial Seventh-day Adventist Church as a tribute to the late Pastor Sasa Rore, a pioneer missionary of Solomon Islands.
Many former pastors and missionaries who attended the camp had personally worked at or visited the place where the explosion occurred.
With the newly refurbished building, the bookshop can now provide a more enjoyable shopping experience to the people of Western Province, Choiseul, and Short-lands Islands
For the first time, a Solomon Islands school held a special fellowship night for students and parents from non-Adventist backgrounds.
Tributes have flowed in across social media, remembering Mr Hilly for his bright smile and cheerful spirit, dedication to youth ministry and service to God.