The Hopeful, a film by Hope Channel International, has been recognised with multiple nominations for its impact in faith-based media and cinematic quality.
Tag: media ministry
Lorna Aisi decided to give her life to Jesus after regularly watching the church’s live-streamed services on Facebook.
The Digital Discipleship Conference NZ encouraged participants to use the tools they have for digital evangelism and discipleship.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Vanuatu celebrated the opening of its first media hub, introducing Adventist Radio Vanuatu 107.5 and Hope Channel TV.
The hour-long presentation, mirroring the Looking Up program, engaged the congregation with discussions on prophecy, end-time events and the study of Psalms.
Officiating the launch, TPUM president Pastor Maveni Kaufononga emphasised the slogan “Television that Changes Lives!”
The event brought together past and present members of the Record family for a special day of reflection and thanksgiving.
Themed “Sailing the Digital Waves with Jesus”, the training emphasised the necessity of leveraging the digital era’s tools while staying anchored in faith.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Fiji launched its second radio station, Aasha FM, on April 28.