Both summits were themed “Living, Connecting, Serving in our Times!”
Tag: Literature Evangelism
The first person to drive right around Australia achieved this great feat without realising they would be first!
The event included inspiring presentations, a service recognition night, a live Sabbath Singalong by Sandra Entermann and shared LE stories of faith.
The young evangelists went from door to door, offering Christian literature, prayers and Bible studies.
The two-week training included practical canvassing in the community, resulting in numerous interactions and literature distribution.
More than 75 people gathered at the Watson Park Convention Centre in Queensland for the 2023 Literature Ministry Summit, which attracted a record number of new literature evangelists, recruits and interests.
Fifteen people from across Australia and New Zealand were trained on how to sell life-changing literature.
A total of 60 young people have recently given two weeks of their summer holidays in mission service around Australia and New Zealand.
The 2022 Literature Ministry Summit included training and workshops, praise services, team-building activities, and networking sessions.