The cash assistance will assist Tonga Mission's rehabilitation efforts as it rebuilds its mission headquarters, partially destroyed by the recent tsunami caused by a volcanic eruption off Tongatapu earlier this year.
Tag: donation
The donation is benefiting hundreds of families that could not afford a school uniform.
Members of Avarua Seventh-day Adventist Church (Rarotonga) have been opening their church hall doors to distribute free food, clothing and household items.
The money will fund the construction of new classroom buildings and transportation.
Signs of the Times' new "Community Connection" 5-Star Project will reduce the annual cost of Signs magazine from $26 to $20 for those involved in community projects.
ADRA has delivered a two-month supply of Weet-Bix to 14,301 school children from cyclone-hit communities in Ra Province, Fiji.
The Tumbulgum Seventh-day Adventist Church (NSW) is helping to change the lives of many people, both locally and around the world.