The team were praised for their "fine and professional treatment of the documents and artefacts in their care".
Tag: David Jones
The Adventist Heritage Centre unveils a new exhibition space at the SPD office, featuring artefacts and interactive elements.
The revitalised Adventist Heritage Centre achieved the second highest accreditation awarded by the GC.
This year's program sought to inspire young people watching to share the same faith as the early pioneers.
Adventist Heritage Month will feature several events and a special daily devotional.
The program celebrated the Church's heritage, drawing viewers from around the South Pacific and beyond.
With a #heroes4God theme, the program will include a heritage play, uplifting music, a Pathfinder honour and a Kahoot! challenge
The new book documents Dr John Cox's career and the contributions to the Church of other family members.
With a passion for history, David Jones is relishing his new role as heritage director for the South Pacific Division.
The ADRA Appeal in October saw thousands of volunteers being compelled to serve in their local communities and to help people in need.