"Everything felt distant, including the presence of God . . ."
Tag: Community
A new pocket edition of Live More Happy offers opportunities to share its insights into emotional wellbeing with family and friends, as well as the wider community.
A return to "normal" doesn't mean we should revert back to doing things the same way.
Pastor Maveni Kaufononga and other TPUM leaders have accepted the challenge. Will you?
People have so far purchased more than 200 meal vouchers to feed people in need, at a cost of $A14 per meal.
The fruit trees were being harvested to use in food parcels and in meals served at Cannington Community Church's weekly soup kitchen.
Paul Rubessa will be leaving ADRA Australia and taking up a role at the South Pacific Division.
Keira Bullock sets out to debunk some myths about being Adventist and single.