Separation of church and service? ADRA New Zealand CEO Denison Grellmann argues the sense of "distinctiveness" between the Seventh-day Adventist Church and ADRA is unhelpful and unnecessary.
Tag: Community
The "phenomenal success" of Mums At The Table magazine has resulted in the introduction of a subsidised annual subscription fee ($A15 for six issues).
How a symbol of humility became a centrepiece of injustice.
So, you want to attract unchurched people? Here are some ideas to make your church an inviting place for people who normally wouldn't set foot inside.
It could have been so much worse: What a car accident in the hilly backstreets of Ireland taught me about the plan of salvation.
More than 2000 people attended a one-day "Drug Body Convention" organised by Adventists in Wapenamanda District, Papua New Guniea.
The gym is a place for regulars and newcomers alike. Can the same be said of our churches?
The transformation of the Guna-Goreku tribe in Papua New Guinea's Simbu Province began with a God-given dream.
Can new signage really bring people off the street into a Seventh-day Adventist church? Yes . . . it already has.
The refuge, located at the Silva Memorial Seventh-day Adventist Church in June Valley, will provide temporary accommodation for those impacted by family or sexual violence, as well as being a hub for awareness and education.